Saturday, October 23, 2010

Module 4-Disruptive Technologies

In today's society we have two paths to decide: the one where face to face interaction is inevitable and one that is virtual. In a virtual world you can create yourself, your home, office, the type of transportation you have, and the people you come in contact with...all in an instant by a few small clicks on the computer. Dr. David Thornburg states that a disruptive technology is when, " technology suddenly appears and creates a brand new way of thinking about a technological task." Second Life is a prime example of this path of living.

In the past few years, Second Life has replaced the need to hold actual business meetings, e-mail, or blog. Communication in Second Life is instant so feedback about any topic can be given, received, processed, and acted upon in minutes rather than months or even years.

With this new wave of virtual living the amount of time spent commuting or being away from home is minimized to the shortest amount possible. Many people are beginning to jump into this virtual world thus giving it a stay power in the vast, ever-changing world of technology.

Do I think that new things are on the forefront? Of course, minutes into the world of Second Life there were programmers adding their mark, their voice. However I feel that with the amount of people using Second Life growing each day, month, and year that it may have a longer life than expected, especially if it continues to "WOW" the people that use it.

As Second Life continues to make its mark on society we should take a minute, stand back, and decide what implications this virtual world is making. As I see it, the worlds that exist in Second Life may help those that are often too shy or unable to meet people in a face to face interaction. When you create an avatar most people are apt to exaggerate themselves and perhaps, brag if you will, on their abilities and accomplishments. This being another trait that most people would not do in a face to face scenario.

In the education industry I see Second Life as the virtual schools that are popping up. There are virtual classes from kindergarten through college that students can be involved. These classes can include those from different states and countries making for a dynamic and diverse classroom composition. All these varying backgrounds and personalities can lend to a well rounded and fruitful education experience.

**Further information can be found at

Friday, October 8, 2010

Module 3-Rhymes of History Technology

Thinking about a technology that represents a rhyme in history is harder than I thought. There are so many technology items to choose from that when I think long and hard about it, do have a connection in history. As Dr. Thornburg states in his vodcast, Rhymes in History, "The affect or impact of a new development rekindles something from the distant past."

So which to discuss here...I think about all the items that I use on a daily basis: my cell phone, laptop, television, desktop, Elmo, LCD projector, SMARTboard, microwave, etc. All items have evolved to make a task easier, that represent a rhyme in history. So for this thread I will choose one that impacts all my family...television.

Television is a way to bring entertainment into your home. It enhances the entertainment experience by allowing people to be in charge of when and where they view the content. As I think back into television history I see the timeline as such: television revives the movie theater, the movie theater revives live theater, live theater revives family storytelling. Each step that entertainment has taken helps bring the entertainment closer to the people it is intended.