Saturday, September 25, 2010

Module 2-Learning Community Tetrad

Emerging Technology: Cellular Phone

Enhances: What does this technology do that is new?
Cellular phones allow communication to occur in all places. People are no longer tied to their homes to receive or make phone calls.

Obsoletes: What does this technology replace?
Cellular phones replace the need for walkie talkies that could only receive messages from a short distance.

Retrieves/rekindles: What does this technology bring to mind (or retrieve) from the past?
Cellular phones bring ot mind CB radios that allowed communication from distances

Reverses: What might replace this technology in the future, or what might it cause to occur?
Cellular phones as they continue to evolve and provide many facets of communication (i.e. cameras, calendars, e-mail, movies) will eventually allow the user to project the device into their surroundings and provide a virtual world.


The Future of Cell Phones – Augmented Reality. Retreived September 26, 2010 from

Friday, September 3, 2010

Module 1

Identify a current technology that has emerged in the last few years that shapes learning or productivity in your industry.

Over the past few years enVisions, a digital textbook offered by Pearson, has been introduced as a core component of our math curriculum.

What problems or challenges have been associated with this technology?

Since our district has adopted this curriculum the problems have been mostly technical. The site was down, the animation components didn't work, or teachers had problems setting up their classes. Along with the technical problems there have been challenges of teacher training. In the beginning they provided us with a one day training and then expected everyone to utilize the program effortlessly. This of course was not the case and those teachers that were frustrated two years ago, are still frustrated today.

What societal need does it meet, and what are its benefits?

I feel that this new curriculum meets the needs of society by linking home and school, digitally and by using less paper for homework thus moving towards a "greener" classroom. I think the benefits are that teachers can view their student's work form any internet connected computer, parents can see exactly what information their child is learning and how to help them, and it can be beneficial for students that are away from school due to illness or family situations.

What would make this technology even better, avoiding the pitfalls you identified?

This technology could be even better if it had an area for online chat or mobile applications.

Click here to view a blog from teachers about the components of this program.